General terms and conditions of sale, payment, and shipping

Welcome to

This is a web portal of recognized prestige as a store and online distributor, through which a wide catalog of beverages, wines, liqueurs, and spirits is made available to customers.

Purchase Conditions

The present general conditions of contracting apply to all commercial transactions carried out in our virtual store. For more information about The Seller and our privacy policy consult the Legal Notice located at the bottom of each page of this online store.

Please read these Purchase Conditions and our Privacy Policy carefully before placing an order. If you do not agree with all the Purchase Conditions and the Privacy Policy, you should not place any order.

  1. Identification

The physical Seller is CAVINA.VINOTEK AND GASTROBAR SLU with Tax ID B56459878, a company domiciled at C/ SANT JOAN, 2 C.P.08290 CERDANYOLA DEL VALLÈS. (BARCELONA). Any communication or claim can be directed to the registered office, the telephone 686228661 or the email address

Any matter not expressly provided for in these conditions shall be reserved for this distributor, without prejudice to the application of the provisions in the current regulations.

This distributor reserves the right to make modifications and/or updates to the conditions governing this contract, which will be previously informed to the customer for acceptance or rejection in case of substantial changes. In any case, it will be considered that the customer expressly accepts such modifications or updates if the customer places a new order through the platform. If accepted by the customer, the modification and entry into force of the new contract will fully replace the current conditions between the parties to take effect in the new orders that the customer requests from the date of acceptance of the new conditions.

  1. Activity is a web portal through which a wide variety of beverages, wines, and spirits are made available to end customers.

  1. Contents and information provided on the website

The Seller reserves the right to modify the presentation and configuration of the website, as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend access to it. The Seller makes every effort within its means to offer the information contained on the website truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event that at any time an error of this type occurred, unrelated at all times to the will of The Seller, it would be immediately corrected. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and a customer had made a purchase decision based on such error, the customer has the right to be supplied at the price that appeared on the web at the time of purchase.

The contents of the website The Seller could, on occasion, show provisional information about some products. In the case that the information provided does not correspond to the product's features, the customer has the right to cancel their purchase at no cost on their part.

  1. Sales system

To place orders, it is essential to be registered and in the case of purchasing alcoholic beverages, the buyer must be of legal age, that is, 18 years or older.

To create a new account or authenticate, you can do so through the access found at the top right of the page.

When a vintage of a wine indicated on the product page runs out, it will be replaced by the next vintage supplied by the winery.

New users

To register as a user in this distributor, you must click on MY ACCOUNT in the user dropdown at the top right of the page, and then click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT. The registered user account is personal and non-transferable, and only individuals over 18 years old can register as users, and under no circumstance legal entities.

Only purchases of products through this distributor by individuals of legal age, companies, and/or professionals who wish to market these products through other sales channels are allowed.

In the user registration section, you will find the fields that you must complete with your personal data. From this moment, you will be able to access your account to have complete information of all the orders you are making. All data provided through electronic forms and/or by email will be treated with strict confidentiality in accordance with the EUROPEAN REGULATION ON DATA PROTECTION. REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 May 2016, on the protection of personal data.

In compliance with the current Regulation on Personal Data Protection Law, we inform you that the data collected through this website will be part of a file managed by this distributor with the sole purpose of facilitating the provision of its services. This personal information will not be transferred to third parties in any case.

Minors under 18 years old cannot register.

Access to users of this online store.

To access your account and be able to place an order, just click on MY ACCOUNT and then on LOG IN to enter your username and password.

How to make a purchase

To carry out the purchase process, you just have to search for the product you want, using the PRODUCT SEARCHER located at the top of the page.

To be valid, the order must include the following buyer's contact details: Name and surname, date of birth, phone number, email, and postal address, to allow the distributor responsible for dispensing to contact the buyer if deemed appropriate, send the corresponding product information allowing its correct use and the realization of the shipment.

Once you have selected the desired item on the web, click on the name or image of the product to see its detail.

Next, you can indicate the number of units you want to acquire. If you click next on "Add to cart", the product will be placed in your cart to later formalize the order.
Remember that you must register or authenticate to make a purchase in the button located in the upper right area that says MY ACCOUNT.

During the purchase, you will have the possibility to modify the content of your cart by deleting or adding items by accessing the shopping cart by clicking on the cart icon located at the top of the page, next to the product searcher. As a result, you will get a summary of the products you have added to the cart and the total price of the purchase.

To formalize the order, you must confirm your details, enter payment information, and click on the BUY NOW button.

To make a purchase, the user can choose between different ways to send us their order:

•    Internet through the "shopping cart"

  • Internet through "offline order"
  • By phone at: 686228661
  • By letter to the address indicated above or

* The photographs of the products are indicative, subject to changes due to updates of the brands and as for the vintages it is not binding since they are used to represent the image of the product and the actual vintage of the product is the one that appears in the technical sheet.

  1. Economic Conditions

All prices shown are final prices, expressly including the Value Added Tax (VAT).

All product prices are included along with the rest of the product description.

The existence of a discount will be expressly indicated, and will always comply with the provisions of the current legislation.

  1. Payment method

When placing the order, the customer can freely choose to pay for the purchases made by credit card, debit card, bank transfer, cash on delivery, bizum, or through PayPal. Credit card details go directly to the bank, this distributor does not have access to your credit card details. The data is transferred using the HTTPS security protocol, all information is encrypted. For this payment modality, we have contracted the services of Banco Santander.

Payment and billing

Once an order is placed by the user and the corresponding payment is made, the platform will send the final customer an email in which all the information related to the products purchased, their unit price, applicable taxes, as well as the total price of the purchase and the place of delivery will be collected.
In any case, the purchase will only be effective when CAVINA.VINOTEK AND GASTROBAR SLU receives confirmation of the payment from the bank owning the secure payment gateway. If the transaction is denied for some reason by said entity, or the full amount corresponding to the order amount (including surcharges for management fees and bank transfer commissions) is not provided, this will be suspended informing the final customer that the transaction has not been finalized.

The customer who has the condition of consumer and user, in accordance with the provisions of article 63 of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, will receive the invoice in paper format.

However, the customer may select the option to receive it in electronic format through the specific section of their personal customer area expressly, a choice that can be revoked at any time at their free will in that same section.

In the case of customers who do not have the condition of consumers and users (professional or company customers), the invoice will be sent in paper format together with the order, or through email after the sale if requested.

The customer has at their disposal through their private account a record of all purchases made to date.

  1. Shipping method, costs, and timing

The customer can select the shipping method from among the possible ones for their shipping area. You should bear in mind that delivery times, service quality, delivery point, and cost will be different for each form of transport. CAVINA.VINOTEK AND GASTROBAR SLU uses indistinctly national-level companies, DHL AND NACEX, for home delivery of all drinks and products purchases.

< span style="font-weight: 400;">Delivery at the customer's address normally does not exceed 48 hours,

In the event that delivery exceeds 50% of the agreed time for the delivery of the order, the buyer will have the right to a 10% bonus on their next purchase.

Provided that the delay in delivery is not due to major causes not attributable to either the carrier or the company.

Shipments also depend on the availability of the chosen product and the shipping area. Before confirming your order, the customer will be informed about the shipping costs and transport times that apply to their specific order. However, both may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each order or on dates with a higher volume of shipments such as Black Friday or Christmas campaign.

Transport times can be altered by extraordinary incidents in the carrier and by difficulties in the delivery of the merchandise.

The shipping costs that appear on the web when placing the order are calculated based on a weight. Before confirming your order, the customer will be informed about the shipping costs and transport times that apply to their specific order.

We recommend that you check your order, in case you perceive any incident (open package, spilled liquid, etc.) and communicate it to us immediately.

The transport company makes two delivery attempts in case of recipient absence. From the second attempt, the recipient must pick up the shipment at the branch of the transport company. If it is not collected, the transport company will return the package to origin. In this case, when processing the refund of the purchase amount, the generated shipping and return costs will be deducted. The return costs may differ from the shipping costs according to the transport agency's rate.

In the event of a breakage during shipping, if you notice that the box is wet or damp, do not accept the order. The transport agency will notify us of the incident and we will automatically send a new shipment at no cost to you, do not pick it up. In this case, if a refund of the purchase amount is requested, the generated shipping and return costs will not be deducted.

  1. Articles

All our wines, liqueurs, and spirits are governed by the regulatory framework of Law 5/2000, of May 8, according to which the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors under 18 years old is totally prohibited.

  1. Promotions and campaigns

Campaigns and promotions will not make reference to or encourage the irresponsible consumption of alcoholic beverages. In no case will such campaigns and promotions be directed at minors under 18 years old. All campaigns and promotions will make clear reference to the responsible consumption of spirits.

To access the €10 discount on the purchase, the following requirements must be met: be a member of any club of CAVINA.VINOTEK AND GASTROBAR and also be the first purchase.

For all purchases over €60 (excluding shipping costs), the shipping cost will be covered by the company.

The company will not be able to accept returns of beverages once they have been uncorked and unsealed, except for those that have been sent by mistake, do not correspond to the order, or have been damaged during transport.
The consumer user will have the right to a 10% bonus on the next purchase in the event that the delivery time exceeds 50% of the time established in the purchase for reasons not attributable to them.

CAVINA.VINOTEK AND GASTROBAR SLU guarantees its customers the possibility to cancel their order at any time and without any cost provided that the cancellation is communicated before the order has been made available to the carrier for shipment.

The customer will have 15 days from the receipt of the order to request the return of the purchased product. To make a return, the customer will communicate to The Seller within the stipulated period by email to, their desire to return, indicating the order reference and the items they wish to return. The returned order must be delivered to CAVINA.VINOTEK AND GASTROBAR SLU, with the customer bearing the shipping and return costs.

In these cases, The Seller will refund the purchase money through a credit on the credit card, by bank transfer to the customer's account, always using the same payment method used by the customer.
If a product different from the one requested by the customer was delivered by error of CAVINA.VINOTEK AND GASTROBAR SLU, it will be withdrawn and the correct product will be delivered without any additional charge for the buyer.

  1. Right of withdrawal

To exercise the right of withdrawal in purchases of products from, it is essential that the product is sent in packaging that perfectly protects the product sealed and in perfect condition. Any product that has been damaged, or is not sent with its presentation, or without original packaging, or in packaging that is deteriorated or damaged beyond simple opening of the product, will suffer depreciation. Also, you can use the withdrawal form model available here.

For any incident related to the return of items from our store, you can contact our Customer Service Department via email: or by phone 686228661

The replacement will be free of charge for the consumer and user. Such free of charge will include the necessary expenses made to correct the lack of conformity of the products with the contract, especially shipping costs, as well as costs related to labor and materials.

The Seller is responsible for any lack of conformity that appears within three years from delivery, although the consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within two months from the date they became aware of it.

In case of withdrawal or rejection of the purchase through the transport company. The seller will refund the purchase money less the shipping and return costs generated within 15 days from the receipt of the order.




  1. Obligations of the customer

The customer of commits at all times to provide truthful information about the data requested in the user registration forms or when placing an order, and to keep them updated at all times.

The customer agrees to accept all the provisions and conditions contained in these General Conditions of Contracting understanding that they collect the best service intention possible for the type of activity developed by The Seller.

Likewise, he commits to keep his personal access keys to our website confidentially and with the utmost diligence.

The customer commits to enable the delivery of the requested order by providing a delivery address where the requested order can be delivered within the usual merchandise delivery schedule from Monday to Friday. In case of non-compliance by the customer with this obligation, The Seller will have no responsibility for the delay or impossibility of delivery of the order requested by the customer. In case of rejection or withdrawal of the shipment, the customer commits to pay the return costs

  1. Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction

The sales made with The Seller are subject to the legislation of Spain. In case of any conflict or discrepancy, the applicable jurisdiction will be that of the Courts or Tribunals of the buyer. reserves the right to cancel the user or registered client account, being able to proceed to the resolution of this contract. Especially, the cancellation as a client and/or as a user can be carried out in case of detecting the breach of any of the contractual obligations undertaken in this act, as well as in case of observing a use of the website and/or of the account contrary to the general terms of use, the privacy policy of the website, and the good faith uses accepted in the sector.

The parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and with waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user's domicile.

We also remind you that, additionally and free of charge, you can access the European Union's online dispute resolution platform available at this link: